About the Siddha Wisdom in this Course

A 10,000 Year Sacred Tradition of Superhuman Secrets

Get ready to take a Quantum Leap forward in your spiritual progress, financial wellbeing and physical performance as in health & vitality.

Siddha Master Nandhji will initiate YOU into the Superhuman Consciousness of the Siddhas. This powerful blessing and activation will help you start to achieve health, wealth, relationships, and joy in your life at a level beyond anything you thought was possible.  

This is the sacred science of the legendary ancient Siddhas of South India who have achieved states of Consciousness and abilities far beyond normal human abilities.  This is a 10,000 year old lineage coming from the primordial Gurus of Creation and Yoga.

As Yogic teachers such as Patanjali have described the abilities known as siddhas include attaining superhuman Consciousness, the ability to manifest and attract immense riches from the Cosmos, exceptional strength, creativity and love.   

Siddha Master Nandhiji has been blessed to have eight exceptional Gurus of the Siddha lineage and personal initiation by Lord Siva.  He has also been  the presence of the immortal Babaji.

Until very recently, this rare Siddha knowledge has been a hidden secret known only to those able after many lifetimes of spiritual seeking to travel to the remote shrines of South India for initiation and guidance in person.

Now the empowering secrets of Siddha wisdom and their power mantras is being released to uplift humanity during this time of intense challenge and transformation.  Take a moment ask yourself is this teaching and initiation that you have been yearning for?    


Accelerated Year Long Membership to Supercharge your Wealth, Health and Personal Development.

  • $885.00

    Master Program Investment (During checkout, you will first create your account and then checkout when you get started.

    Get started now

Package Details

Your "Ignite the Superhuman You" Initiation Course Package Includes:

120 Minute  Siddha Initiation and Teaching Empowerment by Nandhiji.  This transmission contains very powerful intentions and energies to help super-charge your cons

Over 10+ Hours of rare Siddha teaching and transmissions by Nandhiji  in your online portal.  Ignite 4 main areas of your life:

  • Ignite Your Inner Lamp awakening the immense vast You:  Daily Ritual of Empowering  Meditation with Siddha mantras  & guidance
  •  Ignite Peak Performance: Turiya States of Super Consciousness
  • Ignite Your Superpowers of the Eight Abundances as in Finance, Health, Vitality, Inner Harmony, Love, Recognition, Inspiration & Wisdom: Six Dimensional Being
  •  Ignite Your Superhuman Future of Conscious Leadership to uplift humanity and power your success.

During checkout, you will first create your account and then checkout when you get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the right course for you?

FAQ: How do I know if this event and initiation blessings are right for me?

This initiation, blessing and manifestation event is for you if you have been experiencing any of the following:

  1. You have been on the spiritual or yoga path but know you are ready to move into the next level
  2.  You feel tired and confused by current world events
  3. You have always felt there was more to life than the 9-5 and being stuck in routine
  4. You have been wanting to find a way to make a quantum leap forward in your career and finances
  5. You are interested in upgrading your health and abilities in yoga and sports
  6. You feel a deep inner calling to make a difference at this massive time of change and awakening 
  7. You always knew that you had greatness inside you but have not known how to unlock the powers you know you have within.
  8. You long for a powerful Conscious breakthrough. 

Deep within your being you  have always known that MORE is waiting for you. Now you have received your destiny,  this  call to powerfully upgrade your life in 2021. 

Will you feel and answer the call and join Nandhiji to breakthrough to ignite the Superhuman You?


Siddha Master Nandhiji

About Siddha Master Nandhiji

Humanitarian, Author and Visionary Consciousness Leader

Nandhiji  is a Siddha Yoga Master, humanitarian & visionary awakening humanity through mystic wisdom, community and service. He is an artist, award-winning, ecstatic chant musician, author and teacher- representing the path of the Liberated Siddhas. 

Nandhiji is the founder of the Declaration of Consciousness Movement 

Nandhiji was gifted with a childhood experience of the Divine when he was four years old. Later as a young adult while leading an active life of family, he was initiated through a death experience by his first Guru, and his journey into the mystical realm of the Siddhars as a yogi began. After years of seeking “wholeness” through connection with the inner world, Nandhiji woke up to understand his highest purpose: to uplift humanity in Consciousness.

Nandhji was born into a very well known Indian family and managed many large successful businesses and got his MBA before waking up in consciousness. Nandhiji shares the life enhancing wisdom and teachings of the Siddha Sages, the liberated mystics of South India. 

 Nandhiji's award-winning music that has been calibrated at the level beyond enlightenment on the Hawkins scale of consciousness.  Nandhiji is working to help humanity at a global scale, founding the Declaration of Consciousness Movement and World Yogi Day.  He is a sought-after keynote speaker at conferences and festivals around the world where he holds space to help people powerfully transform their consciousness in an instant.  He has also been featured in feature films on documentary and Consciousness.

Course curriculum

Supercharge Your Consciousness with Siddha Wisdom & Mantras

  • 1

    Welcome to Ignite the Superhuman You

    • Welcome to Ignite the Superhuman You - How to Get Started

  • 2

    Initiation Workshop - Ignite the Superhuman You

    • Ignite the Superhuman You Video & Mantras

    • Sacred Mantra Guide - Ignite the Superhuman You Initiation

  • 3

    Gurus Grace - Meet and Invoke Nandhiji's Gurus

    • The Grace of the Gurus - Introduction and Bonus

    • Bonus Read Nandhiji's Biography

    • Bhairava Sekarswamy

    • Saddhu Krishnaveni Amma

    • Siddha Rajaswamy

    • Amma, Mother Amritandamayi

    • Siddhapurush Baba Nataraj

    • Siddhar Mahasivaswamy

    • Siddha Guru Ayya Narayana

  • 4

    Nandhiji's Daily Yoga of the Achiever Video Course

    • Kalangi Kundalini Yoga Practice - The Yoga of the Achiever

  • 5

    Siva Sivaa Initiation Journey & Mantras

    • Siva Sivaa Welcome

    • Siva Sivaa Guide Booklet

    • CD 1 Introduction

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras -1.2 AAH

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1.3 Learning the Mantras - Auspicious Journey

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.4 Connect to the Guru

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.5 Return to the Heart

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.6 Goddess of the Heart

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.7 Divine Protection

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.7 Goddess Durga

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1.8 SivaSiva Being One

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - 1-10 Transformed Human Realms!

    • Siva Sivaa CD 1 Learning the Mantras - Shanthi

  • 6

    Siva Sivaa CD 2 Chant Along

    • CD 2 Welcome to Your Ongoing Journey and Unfoldment

    • 2-01 Base Chakra_ Siddhi Ganapathy (108 Times)

    • 2-02 Guru Chakra_ Arakara Mantra (108 Times)

    • 2-03 Heart Chakra_ Rama Mantra (3 Dimensions)

    • 2-04 Goddess Of Abundance_ Goddess Narayani (9 Breaths)

    • 2-05 Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (108 Times) Maha Moksha

    • 2-06 Durga Mantra

    • 2-07 Siva Sivaa - Becoming One (5 Dimensions)

    • 2-08 Maha Vishnu Mantra (9 Breaths)

    • 2-09 Shanthi_ Peace

  • 7

    Ignite Your Light and Remove Obstacles

    • Power of the Root Chakra: Siddhi Ganapathy Teachings- Pranayama; Mantra; Yogic Tips

    • Kirtan: Be the Pillar of Light- Mantra Deeksha

  • 8

    Ignite Peak Performance

    • Art of Breath: Mastery of Consciousness

    • Six Dimensions of Yoga

  • 9

    Ignite Your Financial Superpowers

    • Clear Money Karma

    • The Secret Science of Yoga for Wealth

    • 5 Keys to Abundance

  • 10

    Ignite our Superhuman Future

    • Consciousness Sutra 87: Empowered Transformation: Be Mahatma

    • Awaken our Super Mind 10 Siddha Teachings

  • 11


    • Connect with Nandhiji

    • Share World Yogi Day

  • 12

    Q & A 13th April 2021

    • Q & A

What people like you have experienced with this course

Like Opening a Treasure Chest


Dear Nandhiji, Waouw! It was full on. The contents were packed with valuable Info. It was like opening a Treasure Chest. I am still digesting some of the videos ☺ Tons of Gratitude, Kind regards Tina

For the Awakening of Humanity


Glory to SivaSakti, our Divine Father and Divine Mother, Who are bringing all the good souls together to work for the awakening of humanity. Pranams to all the Masters in whose overflowing grace we bathe... I am grateful that you are bringing the wisdom and power of these great Siddhas to us, who would never have known of them otherwise. I would also like to thank all the divine souls who helped to make the event possible through their seva, love and support.